The lines of my hand

Frank, Robert, [2017]
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Medienart Buch
ISBN 978-3-95829-320-5
Verfasser Frank, Robert Wikipedia
Systematik KB.UTF - Fotografie-Bildbände: Einzelne Fotografen
Schlagworte Bildband, Visual diary, amerikanische Fotografie, Fotocollagen, Filmstills
Verlag Steidl
Ort Göttingen
Jahr [2017]
Umfang circa 102 Seiten
Altersbeschränkung keine
Auflage First edition
Sprache deutsch
Verfasserangabe Robert Frank
Annotation Angaben aus der Verlagsmeldung

The Lines of My Hand / von Robert Frank

After The Americans, The Lines of My Hand is arguably Robert Franks most important book and without doubt the publication that established his autobiographical, sometimes confessional, approach to bookmaking. The book was originally published by Yugensha in Tokyo in 1972, and this new Steidl edition, made in close collaboration with Robert Frank, follows and updates the first US edition by Lustrum Press of 1972.
The Lines of My Hand is structured chronologically and presents selections from every stage of Franks work until 1972from early photos in Switzerland in 194546, to images of his travels in Peru, Paris, Valencia, London and Wales, and to contact sheets from his 195556 journey through the US that resulted in The Americans and made him famous. Here too are intimate photos of Franks young family, later photo-collages and stills from films including Pull My Daisy (1959) and About Me: A Musical (1971). This structure itself mirrors the rhythm of Franks life but it is his short personal texts, like diary entries, that fully bring his voice into the book.
In its original combination of text and image, its fearless self-reflection, and its insistence on photography and film as equal though different aspects of the artists visual language, The Lines of My Hand has become an inspiration for many photographersnot least Robert Frank himself, who continues and expands this approach in the visual diaries he makes today.
Exemplare Standort
31342 KB.UTF, Fra


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